Restoration Massage Therapy
Laura Skrehot

Benefits & Links

Massage is therapy for the mind, body, and spirit.  Sporadic massage will help address immediate issues, but regular massage will allow you to realize consistent improvements in each of these areas.  When essential oil therapy, stretching, and hydration are a part of the massage regiment, effects are shown to be longer lasting.


Drinking enough water is critical to our whole body health. Water keeps our muscles and fascia looser and well hydrated - "Our mobility, integrity, and resilience are determined in large part by how well hydrated our fascia is" (Click on Fascia for more information and this link)


Stretching is an important part of muscle health and keeping muscles loose following a massage. At the end of your session, based on your areas of tension, I will show you some of the stretches that I have found to be helpful. A foam roller is a great way to loosen tight muscles and This page has some good stretching tips. 

Essential Oils:

Great information for incorporating essential oils into the massage experience can be found here. Some of my favorites for massage are: Cool Azul, Marjoram, Peppermint, Deep Relief, Aroma Seize, Lavender and Peace & Calming. A few of my favorites for diffusing and for daily use are: Lemon, Peace & Calming, Lavender, Deep Relief, Stress Away, Peppermint, Thieves, and Purification. Most of these can be found in the Young Living Starter Kit

For more information on the essential oils that I use, or to order your own oils, visit If you are interested in ordering your own oils or diffusers, my member number is 1552587, or just let me know and I can order them for you.